Kitchen Design Ideas – Create a Lasting Design

A big current push in contemporary kitchen design is toward kitchens that are timeless and will never go out of style. This means a movement toward spaces meant to accommodate you and all of your needs at the same time. When form follows function within the space, the results are sure to be lasting ones. How do you even start something like this? Which improvements will appeal to buyers down the road? Consider the following helpful tips.

1.     DO: Consider how you’ll use the space

When most people think about a kitchen remodel, they have a similar finished product in mind: professional-grade stainless steel appliances, granite countertops and a huge island. There are other options. Rather than just meeting the status quo, consider how your family will actually use the kitchen. Do your kids do their homework there? Would you like a desk to be included in the design? Do you entertain often and need a long dining table to accommodate guests? Whatever your personal needs, make sure they’re a part of your design plan.

2.     DON’T: Neglect your budget

This is true for all remodeling projects, but it’s especially important where kitchens are concerned. As you design your ideal space, make two lists — a must-have list and a wish list. Then, price out each of your desired projects and compare them to your budget. The lists will give you a clearer idea of where to invest the bulk of your money and where to try and save.

To make your remodel more affordable, consider refacing cabinets rather than replacing them,  or purchasing your appliances from a wholesale supplier. If you’re on a truly limited budget, simply replacing drawer pulls and fixtures is often enough to give the room a fresh look.

3.     DO: Pay special attention to the layout

The layout is a crucial element of a kitchen remodel. It won’t matter how nice your new refrigerator is if you’re unable to open it fully because your countertop gets in the way. Give us a call to ensure your new space functions the way it’s supposed to, we’ll help you draw up a working layout.

4.     DON’T: Forget about storage

Kitchens are often one of the most overstuffed spaces in a home. Homeowners often find that they don’t have enough space to store what they need. If you’re going to spend the money on a remodel, be certain you include storage options that are both functional and stylish.

Take stock of your current inventory. Be honest with yourself about which items you want on hand and which only get used on special occasions. Brainstorm options for how to store these items as effectively as possible.

5.     DO: Make sure there’s enough lighting

There are so many visual components to cooking a meal — chopping up ingredients, measuring them out, reading the stove temperature. The last thing you want is to attempt any of these while squinting for more light. Kitchen lighting is one occasion where more really is more.

Envision yourself working in the space while considering where to add lighting, include some light by the stove, near the sink and over a kitchen island. Consider adding extras like under-cabinet lighting to make the room a little brighter.

6.     DON’T: Play it too safe

Return on investment, or how much equity you’ll get out of an improvement when you go to sell your house, is a common topic among those considering a kitchen remodel. Often buyers name an updated kitchen as a top priority. This intense focus often leads homeowners to settle for cookie-cutter designs. Instead, choose a happy medium and add a little personality so your finished product stands out from the crowd.

If you intend to hit the real estate market in a few years, you can still add visual interest through accessories. Think about adding bold lighting fixtures, patterned rugs or using statement furniture to make your kitchen feel like home.

Remodeling a kitchen can feel like an overwhelming task. Since it’s often one of the most used rooms in a home and one of the most sought-after features for resale potential, it can feel as though every detail needs to be perfect. With a little planning, you can ensure your vision for the space falls into place.

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